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Natural Thin Stone Veneer | Quarry Mill
Westgate Real Thin Stone Veneer Interior Fireplace
Westgate Natural Thin Stone Veneer Interior Fireplace
Westgate Real Thin Stone Veneer Double Sided Fireplace
Westgate Natural Thin Stone Veneer Modern Fireplace
Westgate Natural Thin Stone Veneer Double Sided Fireplace
Westgate Real Thin Stone Veneer Fireplace Surround
Westgate Natural Thin Stone Veneer Fireplace Surround
Westgate Natural Thin Stone Veneer Fireplace Close-Up
Westgate Thin Stone Veneer Fireplace Close-Up

Westgate Natural Thin Stone Veneer Interior Double-Sided Fireplace

This awe-inspiring modern fireplace showcases the Quarry Mill's Westgate real thin stone veneer. Westgate is a neutral real quartzite veneer in the castle rock style. The stone is an unusually hard quartzite. The colors range from white to black with some tans and grays in the mix. There is some color streaking which is a natural occurrence that comes from how the ground minerals stained the stone over millennia.
Approved for all applications due to the high compressive strength and low water absorption of the stone.

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