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Natural Thin Stone Veneer | Quarry Mill

Nation's Largest Natural Stone Veneer Resource

From inspiration to delivery, find the perfect stone.

Premium Natural Stone

Our natural thin stone veneer is quarried and cut from premium quality natural stone. Quarry Mill has 400+ premium real thin stone veneer options quarried across the USA and the world.

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Lifetime Warranty

All of our natural stone veneer is architecturally approved for all applications. Our limited lifetime warranty covers all our natural stone veneers.

Featured Stone Veneer Projects Portfolio

Read about our recent featured projects using Quarry Mill natural stone veneers. Learn more about the stone selection process and the unique characteristics of each featured project.

Stone Styles

The style of stone you choose makes a considerable difference in the install price. Quarry Mill has over 400 natural stone veneers available in a range of stone styles. You can view our products sorted by stone style on our online shop.

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  • Installed in a linear pattern
  • Medium size pieces 3"-10" in height
  • Used on large- and small-scale projects
  • Medium to low installation cost

Ashlar is the most popular stone style as it is the broadest in terms of applications. The term ashlar generally refers to a stone with a range of heights that is laid in a linear pattern. Ashlar style stone has a traditional and timeless look.

The pieces of stone can range from approximately 3″-10″ and are considered medium in size. The pieces will typically have natural or snapped (mechanically split with a hydraulic press) edges. The ashlar pattern is suitable for both large- and small-scale projects. The ashlar style will have a medium to low installation cost relative to the other stone styles.

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