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Natural Thin Stone Veneer | Quarry Mill

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Plymouth Natural Thin Stone Veneer

Plymouth is a natural blend of tight grained New England granite.  The stone consists of soft beiges and greys with a natural and smooth texture.  The black speckles within the stone give it a unique marbling that is sometimes referred to as salt and pepper.  Plymouth is a castle rock style and characterized by the large rectangular pieces of stone. This style is also called square-rectangular or square-rec for short. The individual pieces can range from 4″-12″ in height. The castle rock style is most commonly found on large scale exterior projects. Plymouth thin stone veneer is almost always installed with a mortar joint between the pieces of stone.

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Plymouth Natural Thin Stone Veneer Exterior
30% Plymouth 30% Gloucester 30% Woodside 10% Nantucket Custom Natural Stone Veneer
30% Plymouth 30% Gloucester 30% Woodside 10% Nantucket Custom Natural Thin Stone Veneer
30% Plymouth 30% Gloucester 30% Woodside 10% Nantucket Custom Real Stone Veneer
30% Plymouth 30% Gloucester 30% Woodside 10% Nantucket Custom Thin Stone Veneer

Style: Castle Rock

The style of the stone indicates the overall dimensions, shape, and pattern in which they are laid. For more information about each style, and which style you should choose, visit the Natural Stone Veneer Style Guide .

Color: Natural Tones

Finish: Natural

Stone Type: Granite

The stone type indicates the mineral compositions and properties of the stone. All Quarry Mill natural stone veneers are premium quality real stone and pass all code requirements. For more information about each type, visit the Natural Stone Veneer Type Guide .

Origin: Made in the USA

Approved for all applications due to the high compressive strength and low water absorption of the stone.

Type: Individual Pieces of Stone

Method: Pallet Shipped

Lead Time: Approximately 4 to 6 weeks

Minimum Order: 500 Square Feet


The freight company will call in advance to schedule a delivery appointment. A forklift or skid-steer with pallet forks is required on-site at time of delivery.


Free shipping. Quarry Mill ships anywhere in the USA with standard access.

Plymouth Flats

Heights: 2" - 12"
Lengths: 4" - 18"
Depths: ¾" - 1-½"
Weight: 13 - 15 pounds per square foot

Plymouth Corners

Heights: 2" - 8"
Lengths: 3"-5" x 8"-12"
Depths: ¾" - 1-½"
Weight: 20 pounds per linear foot
Angle: 90°


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2 reviews for Plymouth

  1. - Charlotte C.
    The Quarry Mill provided Plymouth for all around the base of our home and an accent wall by the front door. It looks absolutely beautiful! The men at The Quarry Mill are always available to help and brought so much knowledge to our decision. Thank you for all your patience and help in the selection process. Highly recommend!
  2. - William E.
    Our order consisted of Nantucket, Plymouth, Gloucester, and Woodside for our home exterior. We were put in contact with Brandon at the Quarry Mill. He was extremely professional in responding to us in a timely manner and helped guide us in creating the blend. The product arrived on time and I was very happy with the look of the pieces. I am extremely pleased with the end result and love the look of our home.